

Literally, biology means the study of life. Our biology students will study what living organisms are, and the organisms’ similarities and differences. Students will investigate how all living organisms interact with each other and their environment. The students will also learn how scientists work, the scientific method, so that they could look at a problem objectively, and make intelligent decisions concerning biological issues.

In my class, I require students to have a 1.5 inch to 2 inch 3-ring binder and loose leaf notebook paper. The binder will hold class notes, graded assignments and activities, labs, study guides, and graded tests. This notebook will be graded at the end of every chapter.

Within the first week of classes, students may bring in a variety of items to receive extra credit. Those items include, but are not limited to: black or blue pens, pencils, colored pencils, erasers, dry erase markers, facial tissue, or mechanical pencils. Each package is worth 5 extra credit points and students can only bring in 2 packages.

For the fall semester, students will be using a textbook developed by the Missouri Department of Conservation entitled "Nature Unbound: The Impact of Ecology on Missouri and the World". This book deals specifically with the native Missouri ecosystems and is aligned to current standards for End-of-Course testing.

The "Nature Unbound" textbook includes the following topics:

  Chapter 1: What is Ecology?

  Chapter 2: Reproduction and Adaptation

  Chapter 3: Population Checks and Balances

  Chapter 4: Interactions Among Organisms

  Chapter 5: Extinction - Causes and Consequences

  Chapter 6: Exploring the Nature of Energy Flow

  Chapter 7: The Cycling of Elements Through Ecosystems

  Chapter 8: Diversity and Disturbance of Biological Communites

Once we have completed the "Nature Unbound" textbook, we will being using the regular classroom textbooks. I expect to be transitioning to the regular textbook sometime in November and at this time, students will be allowed to keep his or her copy of "Nature Unbound" for future use.



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